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The Growth and Development of Captive Insurance Companies

With its tax benefits, large multinational corporations have discovered that it's a convenient spot to set up the captive, which are typically run by independent insurance carriers. In only four years the captive insurance company population on the isle has swollen to nearly 700 from only 333, writing off some $2 billion in annual premiums. Now, when these companies look for insurance for their employees, they're turning to independent insurance management companies for assistance because of their high success rates.

Independent insurance agency management companies are set up as partnerships between the parent companies and the corporation. The parent companies provide the funds for the capital structure of the corporation to go into this venture. They also have the right to buy or sell shares from the corporation as well as to have some say in the management and ultimately in the policies for the captive. If a corporation can't come up with the funds to keep its business going, then the parent companies have the option of closing it down or giving it back to the government under various tax breaks. In a nutshell, they are doing the same thing as the parent companies do, but doing it on a much smaller scale.

This type of captive management is becoming more common because there is a growing need for it in the international insurance market.

The increase in demand for captives from the international insurance market coupled with the increase in sophistication of the captive brokerage firms that offer this service has created a situation where there is increased competition in the insurance industry. These companies are able to offer a wide range of products and services through their Internet Presence, thereby giving customers more options than ever before. For instance, some of these companies have an online calculator tool for the purposes of estimating risk. This calculator is able to give customers a good estimate of how much the insurance policy might cost relative to the potential risks inherent in a particular transaction. This is an important part of the international insurance market and one that has been under-served for some time now.

The most important aspect of the captive insurance market is that it serves as an effective and efficient link between the reinsurance function performed by the insurance company and the risk management function carried out by the underwriters. In order for the underwriter to identify risks in the market, he must have access to information that allows him to make an informed decision as to what risk it would be profitable for him to include in the policy. As such, leading independent insurance management advisors stress the need for companies to be open to advice concerning how best to use the information obtained and the need to maintain effective relationships with their underwriters.

There is also a need for reinsurance because some companies simply do not have the capital in place today to undertake large claims in the event that they are liable for them. By pooling risk, some companies are able to reduce the cost of insuring their captive clients. In addition to this, some of the largest underwriting firms in the insurance industry have been slow to embrace the use of captives because of the inherent complexity of the underwriting process. Leading independent reinsurance advisors believe that in the coming years, some major insurance companies will start to use captive insurances more aggressively to reduce the costs and risks associated with their businesses. Check out this post for more details related to this article:

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